Monday, April 16, 2012

How It All Began.

If a couple years ago some one told me I would be growing a garden I would have thought “LOL, ya must be crazy!!!” But here I am growing a family garden in my back yard!
You are probably wondering “So how did you get started growing a garden?” Well, It all started last year when I lost my job. I was at home and my wife and I had just started really getting into watching YouTube. You may be thinking “Come on man, get with the the times...everyone uses YouTube!!” Not us. Instead we spent every chance we got playing a certain popular online MMORPG that I shall not name but WoW...did it take up my time!
Every day we would come home and play. Our weekends were spent running dungeons, grinding gold and goofing off with friends and really doing nothing but gaining weight and becoming hermits. Then my wife saw a YouTube channel of someone gardening and said "Hey! You need to check this out."
So, I sat there and watched it and thought, “Okay, this is kind of entertaining.” We ended up watching at least 35-40 gardening videos that night. After a couple of days of watching more of the gardening videos, my wife and I decided to give it a try! We thought “Why not?” We could be growing lots of our own food, eating better, getting exercise as well as lots of fresh air! If we see we can't do it then at least we can say we tried.
So the adventure had begun, we went to the local Big Box store and came across a book on square foot gardening so we picked it up along with some of the items it suggested. We bought the wood, soil and amendments we would need. Some items were easy to find like peat moss and mushroom compost but vermiculite was no where to be found. After calling around to many places we ended up finding it at a farm & feed store a couple of towns over. So we hopped in the car and made the trip to pick up three big bags.
When we arrived back at the house we ventured into the backyard that we rarely ever stepped foot into. Heck!, we didn't even want to mow it for crying out loud and yet there we were starting to grow a vegetable garden!?! Even the neighbors looked at us crazy like “What are you guys doing outside?” and “Who are you??”
We began by cleaning up the backyard and making the square foot gardening boxes from the directions in the book we picked up. Once we placed them where we wanted, we mixed the soil and filled our boxes. We basically followed the book or the videos we watched on YouTube. The rest we played by ear.
I will tell you wife and I, who were known for being techie nerds, was out of our element playing in the dirt. Sure, we both grew up with parents that had a small garden from time to time, but we never really grew anything on our own and never really gave it much thought. Yet, there we were hundreds of dollars invested in wood, soil and plants.
To keep track of our achievements and failures, I bought a video camera to make videos to post on YouTube and The Small Town Gardener was born.
The first year was rough, we had flooding followed by 71 rainless days along with temperatures of over 100 degrees. You can go back and watch some of the videos and you will see some of the plants that looked pretty scary, however, it did not stop us. We persisted through over-watering, under-watering, and picking off all the leaves for some strange reason and ya' know what? We had a great time and learned a lot!
When we were not working in the garden I researched everything I could by making a list of all of the plants we grew and read up on them, talked about them with other YouTube gardeners and watched all the videos I could about them.
I found that many people don't share everything they know or they think that what they do know is not worth sharing. I also found out which soil amendments work well in the garden and which ones don't. Am I an expert? Nope! And I don't think I ever will be but, I can tell you this...You can make it work for you if you choose to take the time and listen.
I am here to show you what I have learned so far and the rest we can learn together. We will learn from the good, the bad, and the funny, we might even meet some great friends along the way.....Oh, and in case you were wondering I no longer play online games anymore. Instead, I spend time with my lovely wife and kids and play in the dirt :)


  1. That's a great story
    Very inspiring
    I have had a garden almost all my life
    Growing up my parents and grandparents had gardens
    The early part of adult hood I didn't grow one
    I started mine about 10 years ago
    I didn't want my 4 kids to eat all the crap at the market so I grew my own
    Now I grow enough to can freeze and dry
    I never buy herbs I dry my own
    Gardening makes me happy
    I also have a blog its so fun
    I love seeing your updates ob the facebook page
    Happy Gardening

  2. Hey Ronnie, I am interested in your little app below showing off things in Local Season.

    Good times.
